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Joy Church BR 

is opening safely on 

Sunday, October 18th 

We welcome you back to church with a NEW normal.  As we openly safely, please review the following guidelines.  


  • If you feel ill or have been exposed in any way to COVID-19 or any other contagious illness, please say at home.  We will have a live stream available on Facebook, as usual. 


  • A RSVP is required to attend service at this time, so that we can prepare seating arrangements and make sure that we provide appropriate social distancing for safety.  


  • Your forehead temperature will be taken upon entry and you will be required to sanitize your hands. 


  • You are required to wear a mask and keep your nose and mouth covered in all areas of the church.



  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.


  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.


  • We know that each of us misses everyone, but please refrain from hugging and shaking hands.  We would like to keep church open for Sunday service without anyone getting sick.  â€‹


  • Our sanctuary will be divided with the left side for family rows and the right side for singles/couples.  Please follow the guidance of the ushers upon entry. 


  • We will not have childcare open at this time. 


No events at the moment
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